Benefit Builders, Inc.provides this tool to help evaluate your choices for individual coverage. Use the plan comparison tool to filter and organize plans based on the factors you identify as priorities. Returning products from Anthem BlueCross Blue Shield, Humana, and United Healthcare, GoHealth allows you to examine the most competitive plans all from one interactive web portal. After reaching a decision that fits your preference and budget, you’ll be prompted to contact Benefit Builders, so that we may work with the carriers to get you exactly what you need. In the case of a United Healthcare product, you may instantly purchase the plan online, through the GoHealth portal!
Plan Options May Include:
- 100% coverage (after deductible and co-insurance)
- Choice of networks – keep the doctor you know and trust
- Set your deductible
- Doctor visit co-pay
- Choice of prescription co-pay plans
- Out-of-pocket maximums
Click here to begin.
Contact us now
Send us a quick email and we’ll provide more information to you about GoHealth and other options that you may like.